Marketing Opportunities – Specifications

Jul 18, 2023

Member Highlight Specs: 

All Member Highlight artwork should be sent to no later than 12:00 PM on the Wednesday before scheduled Member Highlight (highlights can be scheduled by emailing or you can schedule them).  Artwork should be in JPG, TIFF or PNG format, RGB Mode, 72 dpi, 600px wide by any height, documents 8.5in X 11in will also be suitable. Please also include the URL artwork should link to, this can include Member’s Chamber630 listing, Member website, a social media account, email address, or any other URL desired.


E-Clusive Specs: 

All E-Clusive artwork should be sent to no later than 12:00PM on the Monday before scheduled E-Clusive. Artwork should be in JPG, TIFF or PNG format, RGB Mode, 72 dpi, 600px wide by any height, documents 8.5in X 11in will also be suitable. Please also include the URL artwork should link to, this can include Member’s Chamber630 listing, Member website, a social media account, email address, or any other URL desired.


Banner Ad Specs: 

Artwork should be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, RGB Mode, 728px wide by 90px tall. Members are free to include whatever information they choose. Generally the following are included in banner ads: Business name, logo, address, phone number and website.


Logo Ad Specs: 

Artwork should be in JPG or PNG format, RGB Mode, 226px wide by 221px tall. Members are free to include whatever information they choose (i.e.: Business name, logo, address, phone number and website).


Promos & Specials:

Members can add coupons to the website via the Members Only section of


TV Ad Specs:

TV Ads are run on the 2001 Butterfield Road Office facing the lobby entrance. The images rotate constantly for about 5 seconds each continuously. Images should be: 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall, at least 600 dpi in JPG format.

Website Development