630 Workforce Education Foundation (started by Chamber630) is proud to offer scholarships to Chamber630 business owners, their employees or their employee’s students who are furthering their education at a two or four-year college, university, technical or trade school. The amount awarded may be from $500 – $2500.
Applicants must be affiliated with a Chamber630 Member business in good standing.
A completed application will include the following:
- All information submitted through website fillable form or legibly completed on the three page printed application form and returned via email to info@Chamber630.com or to 630 Workforce Education foundation via USPS [2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 105, Downers Grove, IL 60515].
- Essay (maximum of 200 words). If printed, send with SCHOLARSHIP and your name at the top, to info@Chamber630.com or via USPS to 630 Workforce Education Foundation address [2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 105, Downers Grove, IL 60515].
- Items to be mailed separately if using fillable website form:
- Guidance Counselor signature on application form (Download here)
- One sealed letter of recommendation from a teacher
Please complete this application using this website form or print or type your application. Printable form here. Illegible or sloppy applications will be rejected.
Applications must be submitted using the form or printed and sent to chamber@chamber630.com [please include SCHOLARSHIP in the subject line] or 630 Workforce Education Foundation, 2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 105, Downers Grove, IL 60515.