Real World Safety

Jan 7, 2025

Article By Ray McGury, President & Founder of RJM Strategy Group, LLC

We’re barely into the new year and already there have been several instances of violence in our country – New Orleans, Las Vegas, Queens, NY, to name just a few. While certainly unsettling, these situations further demonstrate the importance of practicing and maintaining situational awareness wherever you go – the office, the grocery store, places of worship, the gym, etc. Unfortunately, violence can happen anywhere and it’s up to you to minimize your risk by being vigilant.

Here are three ways you can help lessen your risk:

1.) Be present. We live in a world filled with distractions – even our own minds put us twenty steps ahead by being programmed to always think about what’s next. Practice mindfulness by observing where you are, what’s going on around you, and focusing only on the task at hand. As a result, you’ll have a clearer mind and be able to react more quickly to a situation.
2.) Put down your phone. Cell phones, while incredibly convenient (and arguably essential), are perhaps the biggest distractions in our world today. When you’re on your phone, you are immersed in consuming videos, text messages, news stories, and a host of other information. And while you’re focusing on the content being served to you, your attention is diverted from potentially critical situations taking place near or around you.
3.) Get or stay fit. While this sounds like a typical suggestion for this time of year, this recommendation is more about staying agile and physically healthy enough to react to a threat, should you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Are you physically strong enough to run a short distance to safety, or pick up a heavy and/or cumbersome item to throw it as an improvised weapon? A certain degree of physical ability and strength can be a life-saving asset. Regular exercise (even walking) and lifting light weights can develop your physical fitness and confidence.
I do not advocate living in fear. However, I do strongly recommend that you find ways to empower and protect yourself and the ones you care about. Our world has become increasingly unpredictable, and it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. I hope that this information is helpful; please feel free to pass it along to friends and family, as these are important reminders.
If you’re interested in learning more about protecting yourself, your family, or your organization, RJM Strategy Group offers training in several related areas including Violence Prevention and Real-World Self-Defense. To learn more about these offerings, please visit:
We will be offering a session of Real-World Self-Defense (seminar and training) on Sunday, February 2, 2025. Time and location to be determined shortly. Please email for more information or to register.
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