{"id":8331,"date":"2017-12-20T20:49:35","date_gmt":"2017-12-20T20:49:35","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.chamber630.com\/?p=3394"},"modified":"2017-12-20T20:49:35","modified_gmt":"2017-12-20T20:49:35","slug":"representative-olsen-joins-governor-rauner-for-signing-of-bill-to-reduce-llc-fees-in-illinois","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/chamber630.com\/member-press\/representative-olsen-joins-governor-rauner-for-signing-of-bill-to-reduce-llc-fees-in-illinois","title":{"rendered":"Representative Olsen Joins Governor Rauner for Signing of Bill to Reduce LLC Fees in Illinois"},"content":{"rendered":"

CHICAGO\u2026..State Representative David S. Olsen (R-Downers Grove) joined Governor Bruce Rauner today for the signing of legislation that immediately and substantially reduces fees limited liability companies (LLCs) must pay in connections with the mandatory filings they must submit to the Secretary of State\u2019s Office. The governor signed the bill in the presence of dozens of small business advocates gathered at Level Office, an LLC that provides shared office space for startups.<\/span><\/p>\n


\u201cThis is a step in the right direction for our small businesses,\u201d Rauner said during the bill signing. \u201cThe new rates are more competitive with other states. By easing the fee burden for LLCs here, we are sending a message to entrepreneurs and small business owners in Illinois: Start here and stay here.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n


SB 867<\/a>, co-sponsored by Olsen, reduces LLC fees to levels that match similar fees paid by corporations in Illinois. \u201cThis new law provides much-needed relief for the small business owners who drive the Illinois economy,\u201d said Olsen after the bill signing. \u201cThis sends a clear message to those who provide jobs in our state that we want to ease their burden so they will come, remain and expand their businesses here. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to find more comprehensive measures that will provide tangible relief for business owners across our state.”<\/span><\/p>\n


Prior to the signing of the bill, Illinois was tied with Massachusetts for having the highest start-up fee in the country for LLCs. Entrepreneurs in this state were charged $500 to simply file paperwork to organize their new business. Moving forward, the LLC filing fee will be $150. Other fee reductions included in SB 867 include:<\/span><\/p>\n
